Projects to Do Before Selling Your Home

Projects to Do Before Selling Your Home

The process of selling your home isn’t as simple as placing it on the market and expecting buyers to take interest. In fact, there are a series of other essential tasks to complete before you should even consider putting up the for-sale sign in your yard. While some of these jobs involve repairing miscellaneous things around the property, many of them deal with the overall appearance and functionality of the home. So make sure that you know what projects to do before selling your home in order to let buyers in with confidence.

Replace Your Siding and Fix Rotted Woodwork

Over time, the siding and wooden frames protecting your home can take a thorough beating from the elements. This causes them to weaken and put the home at risk for developing further structural issues. This is ultimately how homes begin having issues with pests, mold, and even flooding—which will make it much more difficult for you to sell your home. As such, make sure that your first step in preparing the property is to get your siding and carpentry replaced.

Repair and Repaint the Interior and Exterior

Once you have new siding and framework, you can begin turning your attention to making the home visually appealing. A new coat of paint, both inside and outside, can refresh a home’s overall look and ensure that it looks its best when you begin having showings. Exterior home painting is particularly important as it helps increase curb appeal and, by extension, overall home value. However, be sure to remember that interior painting is also sought after for its ability to cover wall scuffs and nicks from the previous years.

Install a New Gutter System

Another noteworthy project to take on before selling your home is to replace your gutter system. While they might not seem like much to you, a potential buyer wants to know that a home is equipped to handle heavy rainfall. If your gutters are older, they may produce leaks that make them less effective in protecting the home from flooding. Choose Bear Mountain Custom Painting to install a gutter system in Cumming, GA that’s up to the challenge.

Swap out Your Old Doors and Windows

Current home buyers also look for accents of a more modern design. This includes sturdy, eye-catching doors and windows that let in ample amounts of natural light. These features make the property more visually appealing and reflect an atmosphere that buyers want to acquire for themselves. Having our experts in Cumming GA, install new windows now also ensures that they’ll last for years to come—and buyers will be willing to pay more for the already completed project. 

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Carpenter

The Benefits of Hiring a Professional Carpenter

When it comes to caring for and maintaining your home, carpentry plays one of the most important roles. These projects deal with the overall structure, foundation, and architecture of your home—making it the thing that, literally, holds it all together. Because of this, carpentry tasks can be complex, tricky, and dangerous for homeowners to take on themselves. Fortunately, there are a series of benefits to hiring a professional carpenter for all your home’s woodworking needs.

Diverse Areas of Expertise and Experience

From furniture finishing to home framing, there are a wide variety of jobs in the carpentry field and a plethora of ways they can help you in the home. This makes it incredibly beneficial to hire professionals, as they can provide you with an extra level of skill and experience you wouldn’t otherwise have access to. Furthermore, their knowledge can give you insight into the project you’re having completed and supply you with additional ideas for the finished product.

Access to Insider Knowledge and Resources

In hiring a professional, you can also gain a better understanding of what to look out for in a quality carpentry project. For instance, carpenters need to know how to identify the signs of damage, such as wood rot and mold, in order to best fix the problem. By getting a professional to take on the project, you can also use them as a resource to learn more about the dangers of certain wood damage and how to keep these damages from happening again in the future. 

Timeliness at No Extra Cost

Our Carpenters in Cumming, Georgia are especially effective at finishing projects in a timely manner without costing you extra. While DIY project can take months for you to complete, these tasks can be finished as little as a week or two in the right hands. This is because professionals can better prevent delays and ensure that each step of the process has a designated timeline. Best of all, since they’re getting the job done faster, they can accomplish this without needing to charge you more for their time.

Quality and Lasting Results

When you get professionals to take on the job, you’re also guaranteed to get quality results that will last you for years to come. As tempting as it may be to take on the project yourself, there’s always the chance that you could miss something or make a mistake. But with experience on your side—which is a huge benefit of hiring a professional carpenter—you can be assured that the problem is taken care of and the finished product is strong. 

The Initial Signs of a Bad Interior Paint Job

The Initial Signs of a Bad Interior Paint Job

As a homeowner, you have a right to be informed when it comes to the projects you have completed on your property. Whether it’s fixing a doorknob or siding repair in Cumming, GA, you want to know that you’re getting quality results from trained professionals. This is why it’s important to know the basics of the process you’re having performed so that you can point out a bad result when you see it. Interior painting jobs, in particular, have a series of steps that professional painters must follow in order to create a quality product. So, learn the initial signs of a bad interior paint job to ensure you’re getting the best bang for your buck.

Before the Painting Begins

Whether it seems far-fetched or not, when aware of the signs, a homeowner can often determine the quality of their finished paint job before it even begins. This is because several steps need to be taken prior to prevent potential issues while the project is in progress. Failing to do any of the following should act as large warning flags that you aren’t going to get your desired results.

There Was No Room Preparation

Any successful paint job begins with solid room preparation. It’s this step of the process that ensures all your belongings are safe, protected, and out of the way of the work being done. In order to be best protected from paint products, abrasive tools, and work boots, the floor of the room being painted must be covered with a layer of plastic. All furniture that can be moved out of that space should be relocated, and whatever needs to stay should be layered with drop cloths to prevent paint spots. Failing to do these things can make the room—and the items in it—susceptible to damage that could’ve been avoided. As such, if your painters happen to skip this step, it’s probably a sign that you should call off the project.

The Wall Wasn’t Cleaned or Repaired

Our home’s walls can collect and hold onto years’ worth of dirt, dust, and grime—all of which can affect how well new paint sticks to its surface. Painting a wall without properly cleaning and repairing it first raises the risk of your finished product being blotchy, inconsistent, and simply unpleasant to look at. Because of this, the painters that you choose to take on the work must also be willing to wipe down the walls and allow it enough time to dry before starting. If they apply the paint while the wall is still wet, the fresh product could also fail to stick at all and begin running down the surfaces. Therefore, you’ll want to find professionals who are willing to take their time and do what’s necessary to get the paint to apply properly.

You Didn’t Have a Color Consultation

If your painting professionals failed to schedule a color consultation with you, this could be another of the initial signs of a bad interior paint job. These meetings are meant to establish an understanding between you and your painter on what would be the best color choice for the room in question. Many use this time to discuss the different color options and gain insight into what the painter would recommend based on their experience in the field. During this meeting, you should be able to get all your pressing questions answered and come to the decision that you’d be most satisfied with. Otherwise, you could end up with a color scheme that makes you unhappy in the long run.

Nothing Was Tapped

Tapping the outline of a room with blue painter’s tape is a strategy that professionals use to help prevent color from bleeding on adjacent surfaces. It’s most often used when you’re looking to use two different colors in the room’s design and want there to be neat lines separating each surface. As such, if this is a part of your vision, it’s crucial that your painter applies the proper amount of tape to protect the things you don’t want painted. Failing to do this can leave you with a sloppy result that looks just as ineffective as it is unprofessional.

During the Painting Process

There are also signs that you can be on the lookout for while the painting is taking place. While you shouldn’t be monitoring the painters as they work, it’s important that you ask a few specific questions about how they plan to paint. A couple of points you should be sure to address include:

The Use of Paint Primer

Applying a coat of primer along with the paint is crucial to helping the product maintain its smoothness and color as it ages. Therefore, it can not only provide you with a better-looking result, but it can extend the time your paint will stay in good shape. So, having your painter use a secondary primer product—or purchasing a paint with primer included—is a sure way to strengthen the finished product. Because primer provides so many benefits to a painted wall, it’s crucial that your painter is on board with using it. Otherwise, you may need to consider hiring someone else.

Will a Second Coat be Applied

Skipping the second coat can also be a sign that your paint job will end badly. While the job might appear complete after the first coat, the paint won’t last nearly as long unless a second coat is applied. With the second layer of paint, you’re maintaining the color, protecting the walls from future damage and scuffs, and simply making your walls look better. Because of this, if your painter tries to forgo the second coat, it’s probably a warning that they’re trying to cut corners and rush through the project.

It’s important to us at Bear Mountain Custom Painting that your home painting experience concludes with the best possible results. This is why, as trained and qualified professional house painters, we offer full transparency about the process and build trust with our clients before the project even begins. In understanding your vision for the home, we can ensure that you’re getting a product that meets your needs while keeping you involved in the steps to get there.

Paint Job Infographic
Common Household Problems to Avoid

Common Household Problems to Avoid

Whether you live in an older or newly built home, there’s always a possibility that you’ll have to manage a few repair projects. No matter how new a home is, it can still have its fair share of problems that you must fix in order to maintain your quality of life. Some of these tasks might be small and others a bit more costly, but completing all of them is crucial to preserving the home you’ve worked so hard for. To keep your home in the best possible condition going forward, make sure you’re watching for these common household problems to avoid and taking the steps to correct them.

Pest Infestations

As unpleasant as it is to think about, pest infestations in the home are more common than many homeowners tend to think. Entering through weakened parts in the siding and drywall, insects or rodents can wreak havoc on your home and even make you sick. As such, it’s crucial that you take action as soon as possible to fix the problem (if it already exists) or to keep one from developing. This process often involves calling an exterminator to inspect the property for potential signs of infestation and then taking steps to get rid of any unwelcome visitors. Once you’ve taken care of the initial problem, you can then turn your attention to preventing any future infiltrations by fixing the damage and installing newer, stronger siding. This way, you lessen the chances that a small pest or two will turn into many and cause further destruction.

Wet and Dry Wood Rot

Homes are also incredibly susceptible to developing wet and dry wood rot when exposed to frequent, damp conditions. This rot can eat away at the fundamental structure of your home’s wooden frames and even weaken the foundation if left to persist. Over time, this can make a house increasingly vulnerable to other outdoor elements and, ultimately, lead to its overall collapse. If you notice rot of any kind forming along your wooden frames, it’s essential that you jump on the chance to replace those sections before the rot can spread. When you’re inspecting for rot, make sure to check all areas that you suspect has come into contact with water. This will not only help you find rot, but also narrow down the source of the problem.

Poor Indoor Air Quality

Another common household problem to avoid is the development of poor indoor air quality. A variety of things can cause this, including excessive dust, dander, and even mold. However, one of the most dangerous contributors to lowered air quality is chipping lead paint. Lead paint can be toxic if allowed to decay and infiltrate the air you breathe. This—along with other floating particles—can eventually make you sick and put the overall health of you and your family at risk in the long term. Because of this, it’s crucial that you begin monitoring the air quality in your home and to be on the lookout for contaminants. If you discover them, take the proper steps to get rid of the source. This may be as simple as changing your home’s HVAC filters, or you may require expert services to remove lead or mold.

Damaged or Dirty Walls

Despite how careful you might be to keep from bumping into or scuffing the walls, these occurrences are just a part of living in a home. As such, your walls are bound to have a few signs of decay from the years of sun exposure, dirt, and spills. Fortunately, you can very easily mend them with a bit of plaster and a fresh coat of paint. If you notice any of the standard signs you need an interior paint job, try to complete the project quickly to prevent further damage. Best of all, by using the right paint finish on your walls, you can even protect them from the same problems in the future.

Malfunctioning Gutter Systems

Heavy rain and wind take their toll on more than just your siding and windows. In fact, your gutters suffer the bulk of the abuse just trying to funnel as much water as possible away from the home. This can cause them to separate from the roof, loosen at the hinges, and, ultimately, fall apart—leaving your home susceptible to flooding. Because of this, you should replace your gutters whenever you begin to notice signs that they’re losing their effectiveness. Doing so promptly can save you from costly damage to your yard and to your home’s foundation.

Broken Locks

Over time, even your home’s locks can loosen, corrode due to outdoor moisture, and become less effective overall. This usually takes a long time to happen, but it’s important that you’re aware of the possibility your locks could eventually fail and that you’re prepared to fix or replace them when necessary. Many homeowners choose to switch out their locks—and sometimes even their entire front doors—every few years or so. This ensures not only that your locks are strong, but also that you and your family remain safe for years to come.

Lack of Natural Light

Believe it or not, lack of natural lighting in the home is a serious problem that many homeowners face. Limited exposure to UV rays from the sun can have a make a home appear dark and dreary during the day and trigger negative mental heath ailments such as depression. As this condition worsens, it can even make certain individuals sick from a deficient supply of vitamin D. To let in more light and brighten up your home as well as your mind, consider installing a few more windows. This will allow you to let in as much light as you choose while supplying you with the means to get fresh air in your darkened back rooms.

We at Bear Mountain Custom Painting dedicate ourselves to the entire home repair process, from house painting and gutter replacement to cabinet carpentry in Cumming, GA. This way, we can be there for our clients when they need us the most—no matter what their project entails. If you notice any of these common problems around your home, we can contribute to fixing them and leaving your home looking its best.

Common Household Problems to Avoid
Signs You Need a New Entry Door

Signs You Need a New Entry Door

We think of our front doors as strong blockades against the outside world’s dangers. Once we get inside and lock it behind us, our previous worries seem to melt away in the realization that we’re finally home. However, even the strongest of front doors don’t last forever, and it’s up to us as homeowners to notice when their time is up. So, to keep you and your family protected and secure, make sure you’re aware of the signs you need a new entry door.

Visible Damage

No matter how sturdy a door is, it still has the potential to sustain various damages throughout its years of exposure to the elements. This could be in the form of scratches, cracks, and even faded paint, depending on the type of stress it’s regularly exposed to. Additionally, if you live in a damp area, your door could also begin warping as the wooden frame gets weakened by the moisture.

Squeaking or Sticking

Over time, you could also notice that your door begins squeaking when it’s moved or sticking to the frame when you try to open it. Even if you don’t realize it initially, these are signs that the door isn’t sitting right in the frame anymore and that it isn’t properly opening or closing. This means that the door itself has either warped or it’s no longer strong enough to maintain its secure position.

Drafts or an Increasing Energy Bill

Your door might also need to be replaced if you’re experiencing frequent drafts. Drafts begin to form when your door is no longer sitting flush against its frames, allowing excess air from the outside in as a result. This can significantly affect your home’s internal temperature and impact how comfortable you are. Additionally, even if you don’t notice the draft itself, you may find your energy bill rising as your thermostat tries to compensate for the fluctuating climate.

Noticeable Moisture Near the Door

Excessive moisture isn’t good for any part of your home, but it’s especially harmful to your wooden doors. A fluctuation of temperatures can cause condensation to build between the panes of glass in the door as well as in the wood itself. This makes it susceptible to things like wood rot and mold that can weaken the door’s overall structure. So, if you notice moisture building around that area, it could be a sign of other problems to come.

At Bear Mountain Custom Painting, we understand that your home is your castle and you need people who are going to go the extra mile to keep your home secure. It’s for this reason that, along with our painting services, we also offer door repair in Cumming, GA. With these services in our arsenal, we can be your one-stop-shop for keeping your home in beautiful condition.


There are more ways to add value to a home than simply performing routine maintenance. In fact, you can increase your home’s value by making it more unique. This is why homeowners often consider including a home addition or two in their renovation plans. These additions not only make a home more pleasurable to live in, but also make it more desirable when the time comes to sell. However, not all additions will affect your home’s value as much as you’d want. Be sure to familiarize yourself with the home additions that add the most value before you begin your project.

Backyard Deck or Patio

In recent years, outdoor living spaces have become increasingly more desirable to homeowners. As such, consider including plans for a deck or patio if you want to increase your home’s value. These additions might be a bit expensive to start out, but you can regain most of the initial costs if and when you decide to resell. It’s important to note, however, that the amount you’ll gain back is relative to the size of the addition you want to build.

Bathroom Addition

Prospective home buyers highly prize extra bathrooms—because of this, homeowners can see a large return on investment by adding one. The key to this renovation is to make the addition seem natural in the home rather than jutting out from a wall. To do this, consider which spaces of your home go unused. If you happen to have an extra bedroom or an underutilized closet area, you can easily use this space for your addition.

Energy-Efficient Insulation

Energy efficiency is a big head-turner for homebuyers because it means they’ll save money on their utility bills. Because of this, they’re often willing to pay a bit more for the initial purchase of a home. As such, paying for professional insulation and siding installation services to install more energy-efficient materials in your home is well worth the price.

Upgraded Entry Door

Adding a strengthened entry door to your home is a great way to upgrade your security along with the home’s exterior appearance. Since home buyers want to know the home they’re considering is safe, this is the perfect way to increase interest. When making this change, be sure the door is made with a stronger material such as steel or wood to ensure the best investment.